If you don't have the time to read, you don't have the time or the tools to write - Stephen King, On Writing, p. 147

About Me

This site has been created for me to share a music based short story project. Over time stories will be added which are inspired by particular songs and there will also be links to the music/show/person who is the creator of the original song.


Who am I? Some people know me as Gillian, others as Mojo but everyone knows me as a writer. After a varied career and bringing up my family I decided it was time to get serious about my writing and to try and make a career out of it. I have only been published once so far in an online ezine called Neonbeam but I have recently had two Unsent Letters accepted which means I will be going into a real book and that is the beginning I had hoped for. Links to both of these projects will be on the links page.


What do I write? I specialize in Fantasy but have been known to delve into Erotica, Sci-fi and humour and the chances are that any of those will turn up on this site in verying combinations. I write with a great deal of detail and emotion is very important. Thus my pieces tend to be a bit long for most short story criteria but I am honing my craft and I hope to get within the accepted average for a short story with the help of this project.


What will you get out of this? I hope that you will discover here a quiet corner of the web where you can step out of reality for a little while, recharge you batteries and enjoy reading simply for pleasure. There will be ample space for you to leave your thoughts and to let me know what you think of every piece that is published and I hope you will take advantage of that. Every author needs feedback. After all, what is the point of telling a tale if there is no-one to listen?